final exams have left me bobble-headed
Wooo! for the end of final exams! Forever! Second semester senior year, if I have a class grade above my gpa, i won't have to take exams, so i definitely will not be succumbing to senioritis just yet. So... my dad's in Tibet right now visiting people and things, and he sent us a picture at Everest base camp. And then i remembered that I wanted him to take my tasp t-shirt to take a picture of it in front of everst, but i forgot. So instead, i photoshoped the picture and we can all use our vastly under-utilized imaginations and pretend that it's the real deal. Try to ignore his wacky expression and admire the tasptastic scenery. ^_^ Speaking of which, weren't we going to pass that St. Louis bobble-head around and take pictures of it all over the world? As I recall, Rid's got it still...

p.s. caltech and stanford look sweet, Sam.
now seriuosly, how do you dooo that?
-the photoshop job, i mean.
3:29 PM, January 20, 2006
also, i love taking exams. they make me feel smart. and good. i love the SAT's!!! haha.
im not a freak!
i just love exams!
3:30 PM, January 20, 2006
Exams are good in the sense that you don't get any homework, and don't have classes... these positives don't apply to the SAT, so I'm still having trouble understanding you Samyu. :P
6:02 PM, January 20, 2006
*snap snap* to Jason. Exam week is nice (just coming out of it right now!), but the SAT is just boring. Although it can be nice to open up your score report . . . I hope appyling to college will turn out to be like this!
I was trying to figure out which one of us that was in the picture . . . nice photoshop work.
6:18 PM, January 20, 2006
I was like, wait, who got the hookup on the long-sleeved TASP shirt? I want one!
And then I read the message, and I agree that you have displayed some sweet photoshopping skills.
If the bobblehead is supposed to be going to exotic locations, I'd like to note that I'll be in Hawaii in March...
11:24 AM, January 21, 2006
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