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Saturday, January 21, 2006


I got my first college acceptance! BYU! Yay!

OK, on Ridley's post - Carmen rocks. I saw the first segment (act? movement? what is it anyway?) when I lived in New Orleans but I was just a wee lad and I had to go home and get to bed, so I didn't get to see the rest of it. Don't worry about not understanding the French - most French people probably don't understand operatic French, even when the accents are right. At least that's my sense: opera is for the music, the words just kind of hang on wherever they can get a grip. And what are the two verb tenses? Although I don't exactly fancy learning them, I would like to know they're out there so they don't sneak up on me someday when I least expect it.

Don't sweat it with Cornell House. They'll probably accept you (it looks like a pretty ex-TASPer-heavy group there, and I bet they look pretty favorably at you app), and if they don't, it shouldn't make that much of a difference in your reception at the House. No matter what happens in terms of admission, you're going to feel rather awkward there - it's just kind of an eccentric, quirky place, at least as far as my October visit demonstrated. Not in a bad sort of way, just a bit disconcerting. Anyway . . . when you get to Ann Arbor, go check out the gum wall for us to see if TASP '05 is still there! And tell us all about it when you get back!

I vote for the academic thingy. Maybe it's because I live in Western Europe and not northern Florida, but prom sounds decidedly missable compared to this sweet program that promises such jocund amusements and stimulating, even (dare I say it? yes!) TASPly company.



Blogger Emma said...

woo! college acceptance! wooo! congratulations!

5:35 PM, January 21, 2006

Blogger slaytonm said...

Yay Sam! May there be many more.

6:52 PM, January 21, 2006

Blogger IsaacNoah said...

BOO Prom! And Yeah! Sam!!!!


12:10 AM, January 22, 2006

Blogger Charles Wu said...

Congrats all around

/raises glass of apple juice

12:27 AM, January 22, 2006


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