Halloween Pirates
All I have to say is, how many kids dress up as ninja?
not many.
Pirates rule! Just check out the costumes of the kids begging for candy at your door (If you're in the States that is) tonight if you don't believe me.
Here is the secret-not-so-secret online Nunnian shrine made by the loving 05 UMich TASPers. Enter our homology. We are Triumphant in Turquoise--and all other colors. WORRRRD.
All I have to say is, how many kids dress up as ninja?
1. You're Gonna Get Your Fingers Burned - The Alan Parsons Project
The latest from my favorite school bulletin board:
Everyone, I have quit band!
I just finished re-reading "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho. It's an awesomely inspiring book. You should all read it.
Is pretty darn awesome.
Happy Birthday-plus-four Henrik! Cool/auspicious October 22 events:
I realize that this is extremely late notice, but for anyone who's interested, we're having a game of yahoo grafitti at 9:30 pm tonight (tuesday). We'll probably coordinate it on AIM, so log on around that time if you want to play.
To protect our national symbols from the exploitation by respected publication outlets, the White House took some decisive steps...
So this is particularly relevant to EMILY!, Lisa and Sophie.
You're reading the Sound and the Fury!!! That has to be the best book ever. You just jumped seven points on the coolness scale. I won't tell you who dies, but I think you'll guess. Depending on your edition, 70 pages means you're past Benjy's section.... I don't like the rest of the book as much as his, it's less interesting, but more relevant to the story.
Yeah, people are just being born, left and right! Sort of. But anyway:
Why, the incomparable Henrik and Charles had birthdays!
Hi everyone. I haven't blogged since the day after tasp ended, and I guess I should say something, lol.
Check it out. Ninjas are no longer an asian phenomenon:
Happy Birthday!
Wow guys, I feel really loved :-D For serious! Thanks for all of the cakes/blimps/random Penn State students :-D And of course, thanks for all of the memories. I'm getting a bike for my birthday, so I will be able to roll up my right pant leg and pedal circles around lowly pedestrians everywhere (not to mention run from evil rodents). Also, I can finally watch R-rated movies (X-rated too, whatever the distinction is). Wooooooooo! But really, thanks a lot for all of the well-wishes and funniness; I really appreciate it.
Dear Charles,
Dearest TASPers:
Which means that for me, Charles is now 17! Don't dispute my faulty reasoning.
Hey guys!!! Oh gosh, I miss you all sooo much. Sometimes I forget just HOW much when I don't write or talk about TASP for a while. I know that I don't post that often, but I would like to start posting on a more regular basis. You guys, I read all of your posts, and I love knowing what's going on in your lives, and I always check the 3rd Photobucket to see if anything new is there. My point is, I DO care about and love you guys SO much and I want you to know it.
I realized how much fun it is to write sentence today.
Someone's gotta remind me how to put picture in the photobucket: I've got some hilarious 'facicking' pictures from Sam's little face distortioner. You should see Bern as a 'young adult' (BWAHAHAHA).
While searching for clips of the upcoming movie, I stumbled upon this.
So I was driving home from the gym the other night and heard a song on the radio that had me cracking up for miles. Not only was I shocked that the song had slipped underneath Tipper Gore's Parental Advisory radar to make it onto the radio, but I was amazed at how closely it matched the philosophy of our good friend John Sinclair. In "We Be Burnin' ", Sean Paul sings, in his best imitation of a Jamaican accent,
Seriously, there are not enough pictures in the third photobucket. I've reached the point where I'm uploading pictures of myself with plants (yes, plants. From my own backyard) just to vary the photo-landscape a bit. Where are our factota? Where are our profs? Where are you and your friends and family? please.
Or is it the fatherland? Russia is always the Motherland, Germany is always the Fatherland. Who determines these country-gender issues anyway? And which gender is the US? Maybe we just don't go in for this kind of pinko commie stuff. Anyway, I am finally about to leave for a full week of fruited plains, amber waves, shining seas, etc. as I visit the East Coast on my big college tour! My flight leaves in approximately 12 hours and 22 minutes, and I still haven't really packed. We'll see how that goes . . .
And anybody else who knows the answers to the following questions:
OK, Mark wrote an e-mail to the yahoogroups address (which some of you still haven't signed up for... shame) and so here it is for those who didn't receive it. Oh, and if you haven't signed up or need another invite, tell me.
Hi All,
Just wanted to let you know that I did preserve all the website data and I have a graduate student working with me now to get everything restored. I'll let you know when it's back up and running.
In other news, I got my book on Alton Adams to the publisher, so I'm hoping that will be published next year. There's still a number of details to spruce up, but for now it goes to peer reviewers and they tell me what needs to be done.
Hope you guys are doing well. Wish me luck on the Detroit Half Marathon in 2 weeks. My training was going well until I got sick. Now, I just hope to survive -- actually that's what I was hoping before -- I guess I'll say a few prayers as well...
I found a very interesting article: http://cornell-magazine.cornell.edu/Archive/2004Julaug/features/Feature.html in the Cornell Alumni Magazine on the Cornell House of the 60's, and especially the conservative movement spearheaded by Allan Bloom and Leo Strauss. The article focuses on Paul Wolfowitz, and gives a nice history on the TA of past eras.
For those of you who diligently search the web for new ways to dissipate your much-needed study time, my sister has turned up an absolute treasure:
so some of you may have seen this already.
Well, we couldn't ignore the 800-pound gorilla sitting in the corner forever, so I guess I'll be the first one to point it out. Fall is college app (aka stressy essaying) time, and I suppose you are all feeling it. So where are you boys and girls applying? More to the point, what is your first choice? I'm shooting early for MIT, with Harvard and Cornell as alternate choices. y su, seƱores?
According to the TA Directory, 9 of the 86 '05 TASPers applied from overseas addresses.
It's fun to phsyiognimyick when looking at the Photo Buckets, it's hard to stray from my truthful knowledge however. All time favorite picture: The one of Emma, Charles and I, where the expressions are Dismay, awe, and un unidentifiable Charles. Of course, that's usually how it goes with ol' Chuckie.
While deciding what I'm going to do next year, it's been final: I'm not going to college, not will I apply just yet. A 5th year of high school sounds like the plan, or maybe I can study abroad, or maybe I'll go to a musical conservatory. As you can see, I'm still undecided. I've been asking around for advice, and I thought the Blog was a good source. Any comments, suggestions, questions, concerns? Thanks
Henrikicking Henrik
Various Nobel Prizes are making the news, and this has prompted me to go back to that site I told you guys about back in August. The IgNobel Prizes for 2005 have been awarded.
If you search something on the web, can results from a blog show up?
I was just poking around the TA site, and I found this wonderful link: http://www.tellurideassociation.org/Assocpage.tpl Just enter your name and other sundry items and it will give you access to the TA member page. So for all of you prospective interviewers and factota, check it out. You can even look up names of past and present TASPers and TAers. Read the newsletter! Pester Adam or Jenny! You have free will, as I have presented you the site.
Our third photobucket briefly advertised for WalMart. Nice screen capture; I assume it was Sam?
Another piece of evidence about the sad state of college instruction and average college student intelligence.
Just thought I'd say this.
Hi guys - I'm so sorry for being out of it for the past couple of weeks. In fact, I don't think I've blogged since the start of school, which was over a month ago. I must make up. The fact is, that I've been loaded with school work since the first day, and I have had no time to breathe at all. But I have been reading your posts diligently, and it's great to hear about your doings and outings. Seems like you've been living it up to the fullest.
Hey emma,
Hi Everybody! (quoting that obnoxious doctor from the Simpsons)
It was hit by a double-decker bus.
so I know that this isn't quite what our blog is meant to be used for, but a good friend of mine (Ben Morgan) has finally finished his past four years of work and is releasing a full length film about the lives of graf artists, so I figured I would put a plug in for him since I have seen it and I think most of you would enjoy it.
Why did the koala fall out of the tree?